Here you will find a selection of my original paleoart compiled onto one page, listed from newest to oldest. You can also find them in their original posts (linked at the top of each section), which also contain more detailed captions and other info.
Borealopelta in a burned forest.Kulindadromeus amongst the leaf litter.Kongonaphon, the brand-new basal ornithodiran.Quetzalcoatlus, Mosasaurus, and Alamosaurus.Large clawed herbivores throughout history: Nothronychus, Anisodon, Megalonyx, and giant panda.Graciliraptor, the small microraptorine from Yixian, floofs itself against a drizzle.Dromaeopodus is the name of a footprint fossil from Early Cretaceous China. Here, the track-maker shows off its toe beans.Protarchaeopteryx, a little dinosaur of uncertain affinity from the Yixian Formation.