Book Review: Jurassic Park

I recently read Jurassic Park for the first time. Can you believe it? I’ve seen all the original movies, but hadn’t picked up the books until now. (I haven’t seen Jurassic World other than the first movie…I’m just not a...

What It's Like To Own A Dinosaur

I’ve lived with a cockatiel named Cooper for the better part of a year now, and I think I’ve gathered enough thoughts and experiences by now to write a blog post. This post will be about owning a parrot (being...

Dinosaur Photography 11: Hawai'i Birds

After a year of being married, we finally made it on a honeymoon! We went to O’ahu, the main inhabited island in the Hawai’ian archipelago. As always when visiting a new place, there was a completely different avifauna than I’d...