What It's Like To Own A Dinosaur

I’ve lived with a cockatiel named Cooper for the better part of a year now, and I think I’ve gathered enough thoughts and experiences by now to write a blog post. This post will be about owning a parrot (being...

Dinosaur Photography 11: Hawai'i Birds

After a year of being married, we finally made it on a honeymoon! We went to O’ahu, the main inhabited island in the Hawai’ian archipelago. As always when visiting a new place, there was a completely different avifauna than I’d...

The Physics of Glass

This has almost nothing to do with paleontology, but glass is a fascinating material that I’ve been thinking about recently. To pay lip service to dinosaurs, here is a video of a dinosaur who loves glass:

Bias In The Fossil Record

Becoming a fossil is a long and difficult journey. The organism has to die and be buried before scavengers and decomposers get at its body, it needs to avoid being crushed or melted through tectonic or volcanic activity, and then...

The Story of the Aral Sea

The idea behind this post came from a game of Trivial Pursuit, in which I was asked (paraphrased), “Which central Asian lake has shrunk by 90% over the past sixty years?” I didn’t know any Asian lakes other than the...